For the last 2 months i was trying to make money through blogging but after some days i found it is very tough to get paid. As nobody is going to pay me for my work, in those days i have registered in many sponsored writing programme but after signing i found that they need the blog to be old of about 90 days, beside this the many other criterea they required for writing was not fulfilled by my blog. As usual few day ago i was searching for some kind of programme who pay me to write, i found Pay Per Post and i signed up. One thing you must know, my blog is not 90 days old, then you will think why i have signed up for Pay Per Post ? Because Pay Per Post has changed their policy from 90 days to 30 days. Today, i got the apporved mail from Pay Per Post and I am really curious and excited for taking me in their family.
Today i called my best friend for this good news and suggested him to signed up for PPP. And for all my good friends i am writing these posts.
Lets Check What Is Pay Per Post (PPP) ???
As the name goes they paid for blogging, is not it interesting ? you will be paid after 30 days in your paypal account if your post is approved. And for details of the programme visit their site ( So, What are you waiting for, if your blog is 30 days old with 10 previous posts in it then signed up payperpost and get paid for blogging.
Now i can see thats my dreams come true, i can build up my own blog site, instead of this customed one for blogging, with this money..
Thanks PPP.